[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][wm_text_block]The NOPCAS network represents a broad spectrum of professional careers including (but not limited to) mental health practitioners, clinicians, public health professionals, educators, law enforcement personnel, clergy, and local government officials, and survivors of suicide.
Become a Member:
Members receive access to all NOPCAS resources, early bird access and discounts to Conference and Pre-Conference registration and other event fees.
Members also are able to request special consultation from scientific and research advisory board members, and also access our database of over 1,000 publications.

Become a Volunteer:
All of our conferences, special events, and other important activities would be impossible to carry out without the help of dedicated volunteers. NOPCAS volunteers contribute their time, talent, and resources to our work — and their commitment helps NOPCAS increase public awareness of suicide in communities of color.
Our volunteers can:

  • Serve on the Board or Board committees
  • Assist with the organization and completion of conferences and fund raising events, &
  • Share their personal stories and other tasks (large and small) that make NOPCAS go
[/wm_text_block][wm_text_block]Join our Mailing List:

Be in the know! Join our mailing list to receive notifications about new resources, trainings and announcements. Submit your email address here.[/wm_text_block][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Get Involved

Updated on 2016-12-27T01:52:54-05:00, by editor.